Montag, 9. September 2013

Doing something for God?

Something really interesting came up to me the last couple of weeks. I was talking to many young people about life and future. Sometimes I felt it, the hopelessness. Finding the meaning of your own life can be so tearing. There are so many possibilities in our time, many different ways we can go and the support of other shrinks, because they are busy on their own. It's all about being busy, doing something, otherwise you're worthless, is that so?

I think that's something that makes us stay in this rushing mood all of our life and that's what makes us miss the real joy. You see God really longs for your heart! I don't mean that he likes being with you some days, I mean he is jealous. I think he is the most jealous person ever, but it's not that jealousy that breaks the other person involved. He wants you to feel, enjoy and take part of his glory and love.
He wants to give you from his amazing wealth, but we always try to drag us out of the swamp on our own...
That's the deserts we face, when we try to get out on our own, when we put all our strengh into something that God could change with the snip of his finger, instantly powerful.

I think God is not looking for people who work for him, but he is looking for people who love him.
Compare this to a real good friendship you have. When you love a person you do things for him/her easily, not because you have to, but you want to and that's the way Jesus wants you to do things. Can you really say that you want to do all the things you do freely or is it the voice inside you telling you when you don't do it, you will be a bad friend...
Where lies our focus here? Do we try to be a good friend to God, or do we let Jesus love us and out of fulfillment comes the loving him?
He loved us first! He gives us the strength to love him. We will never bring Jesus to love us, or give us anything. He will give it out of love in the times of intimacy, in these time you recognize him alone. He is here, always!

How do we let Him love us, you might ask. It's quite simple! Enjoy!
It's about enjoying Gods eternal presence, the glory that's here already. The things he already gave us in this world. We really should enjoy his creation.
The cool thing about enjoying something is, that we will never be able to make ourselves to enjoy!
Well, but that's the only way we will truely be able to serve God out of love...

Haha, you see, there will be no way we can do something in this world on our own. Freedom is given to us in the times we enjoy HIM! Works will be set free out of a stage of completely enjoying HIM! Finances, possibilities to do something, fulfillment of our dreams will come out of enjoying HIM!
We can't do a thing for all that! He wants to give, but we don't get it. We think, that we will get more out of working for HIM...
Just enjoy HIS amazingness, awesomeness, beauty, wealth, or whatever you can think of he is.

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