Montag, 26. November 2018

The power of us

I am currently recovering form a cold. The nasty kind, the one that takes all concentration away from you and your whole body seems to have been run over by a truck. But it also gives you time to reflect. You are not able to socialise, because you've got no voice, but you can reflect on everything surrounding you.

Today I was able to do a little bit of designing for a firend. I shared him my ideas and he gave feedback, sounds pretty normal right? This time I could enjoy this process so much more, because I was reflecting on the friendship I have with him and the stories we share. I was overcome by joy and thought that this state, I am in right now, is so weird. I feel kind of miserable and still I can feel the deepest joy. My situation sucks, but my view turns away from me, because I can't do anything else than recover right now. I see the amazing friends I have gotten to know over the years and the impact these friendships have on my life and also on others lifes.

I feel this joy right now, it somehow makes me want to share this feeling and because it does it spreads out. I hope that we as humans start to realise how much real friendships change for the better in this world. I have such a great community surrounding me, but I see so many people, who are alone and feel miserable. I want to be part of the change we can have in our society, by accepting everyone without conditions. I want to get to know people's stories to know what they've been through and I want to lift these burdens together. If there are even more who are willing to lift these burdens, it gets easier and easier. This is my way at dealing with depression and the sadness of this world. I can share joy because others reduce the weight of this world for me.