Montag, 6. Mai 2013
I love this life.
I am here in my room trying to remember what I just went through.
Complete independency from every thing around. Not even close to thinking „what do the others think of me“, or something like this.
I was just free, and still I am. This beauty that God is taking me through is just breathtaking. I never experienced something like this, because I always tried to fullfill the ways of the world.
I am not trying to do what they tell me, but I will do what I really want...
When I want to change something, I need to do something about it and it is not difficult anymore, because it‘s my passion.
I can‘t redeem the world more than how God already did.
He is the source of freedom and we try to put it into boxes and limit Gods freedom, because we desperatly try to understand how he is doing it, so we can redeem ourselfes.
This is so ridiculous! We really don‘t need to do anything anymore, we just need to follow.
Nothing can break us anymore, nothing can move us anymore, because all the ways we feel is just answeres of the body, but the way we answer to it is the point where it gets tricky.
What is that feeling about, we just felt... what is that reaction about, we just had...
Everything we do now on this earth is, to get to know ourselfes and God.
What pleases him.
It‘s not something we HAVE to do, but something we WANT to do. We are completely free from all these, „we have to this“ „ we must do that“.
The only thing we have to is rest... doesn‘t sound that hard, ha?
We love him, that is the reason why we act... out of love to him!
We don‘t act because we want to earn his love! That would never even work in any way!
Because we have the knowledge of what he did for us, we will move.
When we don‘t we won‘t and we shouldn‘t, because that‘s what the law‘s about!
Everything, and I mean everything, that is not based on the foundament of love, is sin! :D
Sounds harsh, but it is soooo easy.
Because this is how a relationship works.
We get to know someone, we meet with him/her to get to know this person. Out of that we have affection for this person and this is where the action is born. We have the wish to make this person happy and to make him/her have a nice day or what ever we yould imagine!
But it‘s all our joy, nothing made up, or something we put over our faces like masks. It‘s something pure and lovely.
We really need to think about all these words that people told us and what they mean in the context of the bible. Out of that we get a new understading of what this Gopsel really means. We will understand, that God is always happy and so it means, he doesn‘t need us to be happy. But we love to make him smile, because we love him.
God is always happy and this means, even our deepest failure doesn‘t change anything he is.
He is pure loveing, righteous ... all these things how he is like!
What does that anger of God means?
Ok, now we need to think of time here...
We all know, that God became angry on the Isrelites because they failed to walk in the steps of the law.
He punished them and showed them all the consequences that come out of that law he gave them.
Now let us think to this glorious day, where Jesus went to the cross.
What did he do there?
He died for the sins he never admitted. He died because of us. He died to pay the price that we should pay.
We were a sinful creature. This day he took all the sins. I say that again, all these sins!
So this means also all the wrath God could pour out on us, actually he took all of Gods wrath at this time at the cross. In the graden where he prayed and was swetting blood, he knew what was ahead of him, that he would take the wrath of God, for all the people who walked, walk and will walk on this earth.
So what does that say to us... Gods anger is gone, we are free.
Now we would think, that we need to take care about ourselfes, to not sin again.
But he actually took the sin of all time, means everytime we sin it‘s taken away.
We could think about doing what ever we like. Jeah that is true, but not in the way the world would see it.
When we really believe in what I just wrote about, we won‘t be able to sin anymore, because we know this God and we wouldn‘t even think of the idea to start sinning again.
Am I saying, that we are able to never sin again? Ohhhhhh YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But why do we still do it... Because we don‘t know him yet, that well, that we are so far to never hurt him again. In this we realy need to understand, that we don‘t have to go crazy on getting to know him and try to make ways out of this to get to know him, and when we do this we will get this...
God isn‘t working like this. He has no method. We only can get to know him really easy, when we just are who we are, when we don‘t try to pretend to be holy or something like this.
We are free, we are crazy and when we talk to him, we can ask him to show us what we want to understand, or what we wnat to know from him. He will answer, but we should expect something we haven‘t expected.
That is what praying, talking to God is about! It‘s not about talking about us, we can do this sure!
I think everybody needs that to talk about him/herself to share how we are feeling, but I think also, that God wants to share who he is.
And again, we should not make a method out of how he speaks... That‘s not who he is. He will talk in a way you can understand. We don‘t have to fight that he is talking to us. He already talks and talks and talks, all the time. I think we would freak out, because he is talking so much, just kidding, we would be amazed by what he is talking to us.
Everything‘s gonna be alright!
That should be our motto. Everyday, we can say that and we will freak out, what this is going to change in our whole lifestyle. Because he is making everything for our good!
Even the hardest things become easy when we don‘t start worrying about how it should have been or what this whole situation is going to look like. It is said and done, everything‘s gonna be alright!
We don‘t have to suffer anymore, we don‘t have to worry, we don‘t even have to care about the next day, because he loves us so.
I think one think is nice to know, that we can take our responsibility in all the areas of our lifes. That is what makes him proud, but when we try to do it without him... then we are going to see, that everything‘s gonna be alright then! He is there and catches us when we try to go our own way! :)
This God is so amazing! We do noe everything we do, only because we want to praise him, from the bottom of our heart! (don‘t try to praise him from the bottom of your heart, you will fail, but if you don‘t try you will for sure do it!)
Again, you can ask, you can write!
I love you guys!
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